Hormonal Supplements – The Key Hair Generation Agents

There are a number of hormones governing hair growth in men and women. Testosterone and Estrogen are two examples of hormones governing human hair growth. Testosterone governs bard, body hair and armpit among men. Estrogen prevents hair growth on the chin among women.  It also preserves frontal hair. Disturbance in estrogen level causes hair loss and balding among women.

Hormones play a crucial role in hair growth process. There are a number of hormones governing hair growth in men and women. This is where the significance of high hormone supplements originates. Testosterone and Estrogen are two examples of hormones governing human hair growth. Testosterone governs bard, body hair and armpit among men. Estrogen prevents hair growth on the chin among women. It also preserves frontal hair. Disturbance in estrogen level causes hair loss and balding among women. Some other examples of hormones regulating hair growth are as follows – Human Growth Hormone (HGH), Di Hydro Epi Androsterone (DHEA), Melatonin the sleep hormone, the natural progesterone, the natural bromelein. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) – It is secreted by pituitary gland. It reaches its peak level during adolescence. And then it starts decreasing. Humans produce 500 mg of growth hormone at the age of 20. It comes down to 200 mg at the age of 40. And it is a paltry 25 mg at 80. Post-adolescence, one can use HGH supplement for various purposes including healthy hair. You may take natural hormone replacement pills or synthroids. But you must be careful about general health and nutrient intake. Di Hydro Epi Androsterone (DHEA) – This steroid is found abundantly in the body. Improper intake of this highly potent hormone can cause male pattern baldness beside increasing facial hair growth. Over the counter hormonal supplements like androstenedione, pregnenolone and DHEA can cause hair thinning. Rather one should use FDA approved treatments like Rogaine and Propecia. Avodart and Nizoral also come in the list of high hormone supplements. Melatonin – It increases anagen hair rate in women with pattern baldness. It plays a key role in hair growth. Some hormones secreted from pituitary and thyroid glands have significant impact on hair growth. Dietary and Vitamin supplements Various dietary and vitamin supplements also play determinative roles in hair growth. And they form core parts of the overall modern hair care mechanism. Dietary supplements – One should also be careful about diet for healthy hair. The present day busy lifestyle demands more dietary supplements on a daily basis. A proper diet intake will go a long way in supporting a healthy hair growth. The elements that an ideal diet for healthy hair should contain include – o pantothemic acid o L-Cystine o vitamin C o folic acid o Vanadium o Chromium o Molybdenum o zinc picolinate o iron o copper Sometimes the dietary supplements contain stress vitamins and energy releasers. They are present in addition to the vital components. Nutrition ingredients generally contained by dietary supplements are as follows – • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) - It is an antioxidant water-soluble vitamin needed for proper and healthy hair growth. • L-cysteine and l-tyrosine – They are the basic amino acids in human hair. L-cysteine comprises up to 14 per cent of the hair. It is available in chicken and aged grains. • Vitamin C – Deficiency of this water-soluble nutrient stops the flow of nutrients to the hair follicles. Its deficiency also causes hair tangling and breaking. The sources of Vitamin C include citrus fruits, green vegetables, tomatoes and potatoes. • Folic acid (vitamin B9) – It prevents thinning and graying of hair. It is found in cereals, lentils, asparagus, spinach, black beans, peanuts, orange, enriched breads, romaine lettuce and broccoli. • Vanadium, molybdenum, chromium, zinc picolinate, iron and copper are important minerals for restoration and growth of hair. Vitamin supplements - Hair loss vitamin supplement is also helpful in getting a healthy hair. These supplements are no less effective than hair growth shampoos or conditioners. Vitamins supplementing hair growth include – • Vitamin A - Its role in cell division, differentiation and immune regulation makes it crucial in hair growth phases. Retinol is the most usable form of this vitamin. Its source lies in eggs, liver, whole milk and fortified foods like fat-reduced milk, cereals and breads. • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) – Thiamin is available in meat, whole grains, cereals, pasta, dried beans, nuts, blackstrap molasses, rice, brewer’s yeast, bran and wheat germ. • Vitamin B12 – Its deficiency leads to malnutrition and deterioration of hair health. It is found in dairy products, eggs, meat, poultry and fish. • Niacin (Vitamin B3) – The sources of Vitamin B3 include most high-protein foods like beef, chicken and turkey, tuna and other fatty fish like salmon and swordfish, pork, brewer’s yeast, beets, milk, peanuts and sunflower seeds. • Vitamin B-6 – The foods offering Vitamin B-6 include beef liver, lentils, chicken, turkey, shrimp, salmon, tuna, soybeans, nuts, brown rice, carrots, sunflowers seeds, wheat germ, avocados, peanut butter, pork, whole grains, bananas and many vegetables. • Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid) – They are found in dark green leafy vegetables, asparagus, beans, kelp, soybeans and soy flour. Other sources include oranges, strawberries, rice, brewer’s yeast, beef and liver. • Vitamin C - Red and green peppers, leafy greens like beet tops, turnip greens and spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, potatoes brussels sprouts, squash, cauliflower and cabbage have rich supply of Vitamin C. Fruits like pineapple, oranges, watermelon, papaya, kiwi, mango, cantaloupe, raspberries, cranberries and blueberries are good source of Vitamin C. • Vitamin D – This Vitamin is available in fortified milk and cereals, cod liver oil, egg yolks, liver, and fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines and herring. • Vitamin E – Vitamin E is found in wheat germ, peanuts, vegetable oils like corn, soybean and safflower, almonds, walnuts, meat, dairy products, fruits and green leafy vegetables like spinach. Many of its natural sources are rich in fats. And that makes it an effective hair growth supplement.  • Vitamin H – Its sources include egg yolks, rice, soy products, cauliflower, oatmeal, barley, whole wheat, milk, cereals, almonds, beef liver, peanuts and brewer’s yeast. • Vitamin K – Vitamin K is found in collard greens, apples, avocados, asparagus, green beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, olive oil, cauliflower, dark green lettuce, oranges, peas, potatoes, soybeans, etc.
continue reading Hormonal Supplements – The Key Hair Generation Agents

Heriditary Hair loss – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options

Hereditary hair loss affects both men and women, but with different pattern of symptoms. Here is a description of the symptoms, causes and treatment options by this problem.
The ordinary kind of hair loss, called hereditary hair loss, can affect both men and women, but women are usually affected less than men. The condition is so common that it nearly can be regarded as a part of the normal aging process.


The pattern of hair loss and baldness are different for men and women. On men special areas on the head begin get totally bald. These areas are usually at both sides of the front, and the top back side of the head. The hair loss then progresses with these areas extending, and at last most of the head can be totally without hair. However, a great area in the neck uses to remain unaffected and keeps a thick hair cover. The same is usually true about the area in front of each ear.

On women all the hair on the head begins thinning, and then gradually progress over the whole head for many years. Women seldom get totally bald areas on their head, but the hair often gets so thin that the scalp is clearly visible through the hair. 


The skin has there layers: The outer layer, called epidermis, consists of epithelial cells. Under this lies the dermis consisting of connective tissue. At the bottom there is a layer called the hypodermis consisting mostly of fat cells.

The skin has narrow pores, hair follicles, extending from the surface down to the top of the sub-dermis, called hair follicles. A hair extend from a growth zone in the bottom of each hair follicle and out at the skin surface

By the common form of hair loss, a substance in the body, dihydroxy-testosterone (DHT), gives a signal to the cells in the hair follicles that make these cells divide less so that the production of hair slows or stops.  

DHT is a metabolic product from testosterone, the male sex hormone. Also women have some amount of testosterone and DHT in their body, and therefore hair loss also affects women.

Only cells that are susceptible to the influence from DHT will slow the growth process. This susceptibility is inherited from the parents by some individuals, and not by other. Follicle cells in the lower parts of the head are usually also resistant against the influence from DHT, and therefore these areas seldom get bald.

The effectiveness of hair growth will not only be affected by DHT.  Other substances found in the tissue may give the cells signals to divide more, and nutrients like vitamins, minerals and  essential fatty acids may make the growth process more effective. Some substances in the tissue may also block the DHT or ease the removal of this substance. Therefore all individuals susceptible to the influence of DHT will not lose hair in the same extent. 


Having a good diet giving the body vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants in the right amount may slow down the speed of hair loss.

There exist pharmacological products on the market that can help against hair loss, but usually not 100% effectively. Medicines used to treat prostate hypertrophy also have been proven to stop hair loss and to get hair to regain, because these drugs block the substance DHT. Propecia is a prescription bound drug to take by mouth based on an original prostate medicine.

Rogain is a topical drug to apply 2-3 times each day that does not block the DHT, but stimulates the hair follicles cells to proliferate better.

There are many natural products on the market to help against hair loss. These products often contain several substances working together by different principles. 

They may contain vitamins or minerals that are necessary for hair growth. Other substances give signals to the hair follicles to increase hair growth, for example procyanidin B2. Some ingredients work as anti-oxidants that inhibit oxidative attack on the follicle cells, like L-arginine.

Some natural products also contain substances to block DHT. Saw palmetto extract contains substances acting as DHT blockers by much of the same mechanism as prostate medicines.
Still other ingredients can reduce the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Grean tea extract have shown itself to contain substances with this effect. 

Surgery is an effective treatment against baldness in limited areas. By surgery hair follicles from parts of the scull immune to DHT are moved to bold areas. The hair in the treated areas will however not get as tight as naturally growing hair.

It is also possible to implant artificial hair into the scalp. By this method, large bald areas can be covered, but the treatment implies a certain danger for infection, requires good hair hygiene afterwards and requires a regular refill to replace lost hairs.

continue reading Heriditary Hair loss – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options

Herbs for hair growth

The hair that we see and care so much about is actually nothing but dead cells. The part that is living is below the scalp and is called the follicle. Near the follicle are the sebaceous glands that make the hair look vibrant and shiny.

Hair is made up of a protein called keratin. The hair that we see and care so much about is actually nothing but dead cells. The part that is living is below the scalp and is called the follicle. Near the follicle are the sebaceous glands that make the hair look vibrant and shiny. These sebaceous glands make the hair look oily or dry depending on the sebum production. The following are the uses of herbs for hair growth: The first positive thing about using herbs for hair growth is that there are no side effects associated with them like the drugs that are available in the market. If you have Lifeless hair, it can be made better with massage with good herbal oil.  Applying henna to hair deep conditions it. Henna is a very traditional and widely used treatment for hair growth. This herb is available in tropics. Henna is also used as a natural dye. Henna is mixed with other herbs like gooseberry, coffee and lemon juice. This mixture is a very good cure for hair fall.  Massage your hair with warm oil. Take a fresh green coconut and massage some warm coconut milk into the hair. Keep this on for an hour and a half. This will make the hair soft and healthy.  Use Aloe Vera gel on the hair once in a week and wash your hair.  Hair loss is usually due to infection that harms the follicle. You can get rid of this infection by the use of the water on the hair with Neem leaves that have been boiled for 5 minutes. Neem is considered as a natural disinfectant and doesn’t damage the hair shaft. It is also known to cure dandruff, which is also one of the reasons for hair loss.  Honey mixed with warm oil and a teaspoonful of cinnamon powder has to be rubbed into the scalp. This should be left on the scalp for around 15 minutes. This helps in hair growth and helps in keeping the hair soft and shiny.  Crushed olive leaves mixed with vinegar should be applied on the hair. This a great remedy for hair loss.  A paste made of honey and egg yolk is also used for hair growth. To counter the smell caused by egg can be countered by rinsing the hair with lemon juice Doctors recommend diets rich in nutrients that boost the growth of hair. If your want to stop hair loss you should include lots of ‘Vitamin A’ rich diet. Eat green leafy vegetables like spinach, milk, sprouted beans and salads. Increase the intake of Protein rich diet and you will naturally healthy hairs which promote hair growth. Good hair adds beauty to your personality and it is only a healthy body that can be capped with beautiful hair. Eating nutritious diet and protein rich diets that are healthy to your health will add starts to your crowning glory.

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Herbal Treatment for Faster Hair Growth

Hair growth patterns in humans depend upon the interaction of natural cycles of hair growth and hair loss. Accumulation of dihydrotestosterone is the main cause of hair loss. Some of the herbal hair growth supplements that act as natural DHT blockers have been shown to induce faster hair growth.

Hair growth patterns in humans depend upon the interaction of natural cycles of hair growth and hair loss. The hair growth cycles follow a structured process that has 3 phases. These 3 phases are – anagen (the growth phase), catagen (the transitional phase) and telogen (The resting Phase). The hair is actively growing only in the anagen phase where it increases in length by about 1 cm in every 28 days. Hair loss occurs when the hair is in the resting phase. Most hairs in the resting phase lie in the skin separated from the dermal papilla at its base. Since the hair is not held tightly at its root, it is prone to shedding at any point.

The entire hair growth cycle is under the influence of hormones and their metabolic products. Dihydrotestosterone is the most important metabolite that plays the major role in retarding the hair growth and affecting hair loss. Accumulation of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) within the hair follicle is considered to be the main cause of hair loss.

The DHT mediates the hair loss through its direct action on the androgenic receptors in human scalp tissue. It interrupts the normal physiologic environment and function of the hair follicles. Faster hair growth in both men and women is possible if action of DHT is blocked.

The organic extracts of some of the herbal formulations act at the level of the androgenic receptors of the scalp. These extracts contain substances which directly compete with DHT with its action. They act as a natural androgenic blocker by inhibiting the active binding of DHT to the hair follicle receptors. When this binding is inhibited the amount of follicle damage is automatically reverted and follicles respond by affecting quick hair growth.

There are many natural herbs which have known to act as DHT antagonists.  The use of herbs and herbal products has become broadly accepted in the contemporary culture for their unique potential to induce rapid hair growth.

Women have increased hair loss after the menopause. That is also because of increased production of DHT. Herbal supplements and herbal formulas used in hair growth products induce a quick hair growth in women.

The herbal hair growth supplements have found widespread acceptance as remedies for inducing faster hair growth. There are many good reasons to consider herbal hair growth supplements as the best form of treatment for hair related problems. The best reason may be the fact that herbs and herbal products have shown to provide quick hair growth benefits while maintaining a remarkable safety profile.

Equal parts of wild yam root, licorice, motherwort, black cohosh, chamomile, valerian root and skullcap can be taken as safe herbal supplements for hair loss due to loss of estrogen production. Estrogen is known to offer protection over the deleterious affects of DHT. All these herbs are known to simulate estrogen in women to result in rapid hair growth.

Dong Quai with other herbs if taken as herbal tea can serve as a special medication for faster hair growth in females. The medication is quite effective for maintaining the hair growth potential by regulating female hormone and hair growth cycles in pre-menstrual women.

continue reading Herbal Treatment for Faster Hair Growth

Herbal Hair Loss Remedies That Offer Hope

This article looks at some of the most promising herbal remedies currently being used to tackle premature hair loss.

Herbs hold an obvious appeal for many people because they support the body's natural healing mechanisms to target the cause of the problem, as opposed to merely tackling the symptoms. It would be wrong to present herbal hair loss remedies as a miracle solution for all sufferers - there is however growing evidence to support the view that some herbal remedies offer real hope to many people.

Let's examine the case for some of the more popular remedies to determine if they're worth trying.

Ginkyo biloba - this popular herb is thought to improve blood circulation to the brain and skin. Herbalists believe that the increased flow of blood to the brain area delivers more nutrients to the hair follicle thus promoting hair regrowth. The recommended dose is 120-160mg of dry extract each day spread over three doses.

Green tea (Camellia sinesis) - it is thought that catechins found in green tea may inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase that converts testosterone into hair-unfriendly DHT. It is therefore believed to be effective in preventing and treating male pattern type baldness. You should drink several cups of green tea each day or take it in capsule form as instructed by the manufacturer.

He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) - also known as Fo-Ti, this Chinese herb has traditionally been used to reduce hair loss. It is found in many commercial preparations, or in tea and capsule form.

Pygeum (Pygeum africanum) - derived from the bark of an evergreen, it works in a similar way to green tea. It is widely used to treat prostate problems and male pattern baldness. Users should take 60-500mg per day in pill or capsule form.

Saw palmetto (Seranoa repens) - this is the current treatment of choice for many men due to its ability to protect the prostate, slow hair loss and encourage hair regrowth. It forms the core element of many commercially prepared hair loss treatments but can easily be obtained in its pure form. The recommended dose is a 160mg capsule twice each day, but make sure the ingredients are made from the berry extract not the dried berries themselves.

Stinging nettle (Urtica diocia) - this has long been favored as a means of preventing hair loss due to its ability to block the conversion of testosterone into DHT. It can be taken in pill or capsule form with an optimum dose of 50-100mg per day. It is particularly effective when combined with pygeum and saw palmetto.

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Herbal DHT Blocker

Herbal DHT Blocker - If you are a victim of DHT hair loss a herbal DHT blocker might just be your safest bet to over come the problem and salvage what's left of your hair. DHT hair loss affects almost ninety five percent of men all over the world it is the highest factor contributing to hair loss. So how does DHT actually make a man (or woman) lose their hair? The explanation is simpler than the cure, unfortunately.

Herbal DHT Blocker - Your safest bet!

If you are a victim of DHT hair loss a herbal DHT blocker (http://www.dhtblocker.net/herbal-dht-blocker.html) might just be your safest bet to over come the problem and salvage what's left of your hair. DHT hair loss affects almost ninety five percent of men all over the world it is the highest factor contributing to hair loss. So how does DHT actually make a man (or woman) lose their hair? The explanation is simpler than the cure, unfortunately.

How DHT affects the growth of hair

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is a by-product of a chemical reaction of an enzyme called the 5 alpha reductase and a hormone called testosterone. The two combine to form DHT, which ultimately causes complications in the body, the most common being DHT hair loss (http://www.procerin.com/). Though there are many DHT blockers in the market it is always safe to request your doctor to prescribe a herbal DHT blocker for your hair loss problem. A herbal DHT blocker actually prevents the reaction of 5 alpha reductase and testosterone to a great extent thus preventing the formation of DHT. It is when this DHT is formed in the hair follicles that trouble ensues. DHT binds itself to the cell receptors of the hair follicle and starves it of nutrients it would other wise get from the blood. This starvation finally kills the follicle, which first begins to grow weaker, thinner hair. The less on has of DHT the better for the hair growth and this is exactly what herbal DHT blocker supplements seek to achieve.

Some DHT Blockers supplied by nature

Some of the naturally occurring DHT blockers are found in Saw Palmetto, which is a palm-like plant found mostly in North American. The natural extracts from saw palmetto berries are rich in fatty acids and sterols known to block 5-Alpha-Reductase and reduce DHT binding with hair follicles. These fatty acids also reduce the binding of DHT to androgen receptors. The liposterolic extract of saw palmetto combined with beta-sitosterol has produced outstanding improvements in anti-androgen activity in numerous studies. The other herbal DHT Blocker (http://www.dhtblocker.net/) agents are Boarage oil, Stinging nettle, Green tea extract, Grape seeds, Apple skin, Black cohosh, Licorice,

continue reading Herbal DHT Blocker

Help With Hair Loss - Save Those Folicals

Hair loss can be an inevitable fate for some ... both men and women.  There are some common applications and treatment that can help with the condition of hair loss.

Today, many women and men are looking for help to cure hair loss. It is a problem affecting one’s social life. Most of us feel that the outer appearance  is an important thing to be successful. Hence there is great need for hair loss products..

Hair loss treatments are available in different forms such as medicines, lotions, and shampoos. To choose the drug that is right for you, you first need to figure out the cause of your hair loss. There are many reasons for losing hair: aging, heredity and hormonal imbalance. DHT, Dihydrotestosterone is an important precursor for  hair loss. DHT will block the flow of essential nutrient to the hair, which in turn stops healthy hair growth.

Saw Palmetto is a powerful herb that lowers the DHT in the body by 5 alpha-reductase blockades. Saw Palmetto stops hair loss by blocking the cell membrane receptor sites in the hair follicle where DHT might get absorbed.

Another herb called Nettle Root also provides hair loss cure by preventing two enzymes viz., aromatase and 5 alpha-reductase, which makes estrogen and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) respectively. Research confirmed that these two enzymes have been blocked completely by the Nettle Root extract.

A cure of hair loss can also be achieved by choosing the medications that block DHT. Hair Genesis, NuGen, and Revivogen are the most suitable medications to block DHT in the scalp. Out of these three products, Revivogen is the most popular one. It fights against the thinning of hair by minimizing the DHT level in the scalp.

Viviscal, Nisim, Folligen and Tricomin are the commonly available shampoos, scalp lotions and conditioners that help to stop hair loss. Viviscal is used extensively for curing hair loss. It is available in tablet form also. Folligen is available with copper peptides to treat hair loss. Tricomin is available in three forms as spray, shampoo and conditioner. It also contains copper.

Trace minerals such as Zinc and magnesium also help to stop hair loss. Zinc is mainly helpful in fighting against skin problems such as boils, sore throats and acne. In addition to this, Zinc plays a crucial role in cell division.

Though there are so many medicines are available to help treating hair loss, only two medications (Rogaine and Propecia) have been approved by the FDA. Rogaine and Propecia are used by men all over the world to stop hair loss.

continue reading Help With Hair Loss - Save Those Folicals

Healthy Hair Support for Women

Why go to the extent of all those medical costs when you can do it cheaper and safer the natural way. For the first time in the history of mankind
it is now possible to stop or slow the progression of hair loss and to replace lost hair through surgery with completely natural results. Unlike many of the hair loss products available today, provillus is entirely natural and free from chemicals that can harm your hair. It is far cheaper than the alternatives and it offers a 6 month guarantee.

Why go to the extent of all those medical costs when you can do it cheaper and safer the natural way. For the first time in the history of mankind
it is now possible to stop or slow the progression of hair loss and to replace lost hair through surgery with completely natural results. We have discovered an all-natural herbal hair loss product called Provillus. In addition to helping with scalp hair regrowth, these natural treatments often have other health benefits as well.

Hair thinning is emotionally stressful for most of the 43 million women over age 18 who experience it. Hair thinning is usually triggered by a
combination of hormonal activity and genetics, which together cause the hair follicles in the scalp to shrink. Hair loss is probably the last
thing that you expected saw palmetto to be associated with, but as of late there have been many treatments out there that have been designed to
alleviate the symptoms of hair loss and help re grow hair and this is just one of them. Provillus is the best option we have seen for scalp hair
regrowth. However, with hair loss in women the hair thins in a very diffuse manner; female hair loss is evenly distributed over the scalp.

Rated NO.1 Hair Loss Treatment for Women on the Market,!

*- Helps prevent hair loss and re-grow hair
*- Rejuvenates hair follicles
*- No Chemicals, No Creams
*- No Side Effects, Including No Sexual Side Effects
*- Manufactured in 100% FDA Standard Conditions
*- Discreet Shipping & Billing Worldwide
*- 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
*- No Prescription Necessary

Provillus for Women promotes hair follicle growth, thereby supporting hair re-growth. It keeps the hair healthy and full-bodied by supplying adequate nutrients. Unlike many of the hair loss products available today, provillus is entirely natural and free from chemicals that can harm your hair. It is far cheaper than the alternatives and it offers a 6 month money back guarantee.

continue reading Healthy Hair Support for Women

Hair Weaving and Hair Grafting

An article on hair weaving and hair grafting with information on their benefits and limitations.

What is hair weaving?

It’s the science of weaving or braiding human or synthetic hair to the roots of existing, healthy hair so that it grows along with natural hair, thus giving the impression of a thick growth. It’s also called hair integration or hair intensification. It’s a procedure appropriate for people with thinning hair. It’s not something that requires a hospital visit; it’s usually done in salons as a temporary procedure.

How does it work?

Two or three shafts of hair natural or synthetic are woven into the root area. Some of the natural hair is woven or braided together to act as an anchor, to which the add-on tufts are sewn, woven, knitted or glued. The extensions have to be repositioned every five or six weeks as the natural hair grows out.

Sounds Complex.

It is. Apart from the sheer tedium of repeated ‘surgeries’, the procedure stresses the existing hair as well. Also, keeping the scalp and hair clean is a problem, as vigorous washing could loosen the new hair. The American Hair Loss Council advises the procedure only for people with plenty of healthy hair, and that too, for periods not longer than a few weeks. A patch test is essential to ensure the person undergoing the procedure is not allergic to any of the adhesives or implants used.

Implants for the hair

A non-surgical implant is the dressed-up term now used for a simple procedure that has been upgraded over the years. Actually, a non surgical implant describes the attachment of a hair system to existing hair with surgical glue, and subsequent trimming to ensure the add-ons blend with natural hair.

What about more long-term solutions?

Hair Graft. This is the most popular surgical method, but it can be done only on people who are partially bald. The results are permanent and can be achieved in four or five sittings. The procedure involves removing hair follicles from the back of the head (where the growth is the most persistent) and implanting them on the pate. This hair grows naturally, requiring no follow-up action. It’ll never resemble a thick mane, but it’s presentable.

Tissue Expansion

It involves implanting silicon balloons with hair bearing skin on either side of the head. The implants are inside the skin over the ears so that the hair bearing part of the head expands. The expansions are then re-grafted in front of the head, so the hair appears to grow naturally from there.

This calls for two surgical procedures, one at the time of implantation and the other for re-grafting.

Any drawbacks to the surgical procedures?

There may be swelling, bruising or mild pain inhibiting normal activity for a couple of days after the procedure. There may also be numbness on the back of the neck, from where a strip of skin is removed. Also, it’s important to remember that individual hair types and characteristics- such as wavy or curly hair- affect the results.
continue reading Hair Weaving and Hair Grafting

Hair Transplant Procedures & Costs

Surgical hair transplantation is the only solution for restoring the lost hair in pattern baldness when medical hair restoration does not offer you a good hair re-growth. If you have well-defined areas or patterns of baldness on the crown with healthy dense coverage of hair at the sides and the back of the head, you are probably suitable for a hair transplant surgery.

Hair loss due to androgenetic alopecia or pattern baldness is a condition that affects both men and women. Surgical hair transplantation is the only solution for restoring the lost hair in pattern baldness when medical hair restoration does not offer you a good hair re-growth.

If you have well-defined and clearly established areas or patterns of baldness on the crown with healthy dense coverage of hair at the sides and the back of the head, you are probably suitable for a hair transplant surgery. Hair that is transplanted in the frontal region of the skull generally offers the best results. However, a hair transplant procedure can also be carried out on any other area of your head if you have some bald patch there.

It is best to have detailed information about the hair transplant procedure before you make plans to undergo a surgery. It is only after you have read through all the information that you can understand and appreciate the significance of surgical hair restoration. The information will also help you decider whether you are the right candidate for the hair transplant surgery.

Now that you are well informed, you would probably think whether the hair transplantation is at all affordable? Hair transplant cost varies depending upon your past medical history, the degree and extent of your hair loss, possibility of medical hair restoration as an adjunct for surgical hair restoration, number of sessions that would will be required for hair transplant surgery, etc. It is after placing due considerations to these factors that your hair restoration surgeon will be able to chalk out an affordable hair transplant treatment plan for you.

Before you make a decision to undergo hair transplant procedure, it is better that you make a consultation visit to the hair transplantation surgeon. This consultation will give you some idea about the hair transplant cost for your surgery.
In general, the average hair transplant cost in USA ranges from $3,690 to $ 9, 800.  In some cases it can also be as high as $ 15, 000. The hair transplant cost varies considerably from person to person, and also depends on how many grafts you need, the number of sessions involved, and the hair transplant center or clinic you visit. Clinics in California charge more on average than clinics in Texas. Going to Canada or to Mexico for the hair transplant will be cheaper.
Remember that the hair transplant prices should not be the main reason for choosing a particular hair transplant surgeon, though it is an important factor for most patients. The cost of hair transplant surgery at most hair restoration centers in the USA is based on the size of a hair transplant "session" not on the number of hair follicle units transplanted. This is simply because some grafts contain more hair follicles than others.

continue reading Hair Transplant Procedures & Costs

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: What's in Your Shampoo?

Do you think the shampoo you're using is loaded with tons of healthy, natural ingredients like the package promises? Think again.
Do you think the shampoo you're using is loaded with tons of healthy, natural ingredients like the package promises? Think again.

Today, drugstore aisles are packed with hair care and body care products that claim to be chock full of nutritional ingredients for your hair and skin, but in reality, they could be causing you more harm than good. This is due in part to the fact that the beauty industry is largely self-regulated, meaning the Food and Drug Administration rarely steps in to oversee what kinds of chemicals are going into the pretty packaging the beauty biz is known for. 

The truth is that common elements added to shampoo to make the product lather up can actually strip away the hair's natural moisture balance and damage hair follicles, which can result in hair loss.

Companies will then suggest using the shampoo's sister product - conditioner - to repair the loss of moisture artificially after the damage to the hair has already been done. 

To educate the public on the harmful ingredients found in many shampoos and the industry's misleading claims, a company called Blinc Inc. is making official government research on the subject simple and accessible on its Web site.

For instance, many have been told to change their shampoo periodically, but they are not told why. 

According to Blinc, this is because most shampoos are made with harsh chemicals like sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate and ammonium lauryl/laureth sulfate, which can weaken hair to environmental pollution and dry it out over time. Therefore, you are asked to change your brand or use conditioners loaded with more questionable ingredients that can prevent your hair and scalp from breathing. 

The same can be said for styling waxes or silicone-based glossing serums that are so popular right now. These products may add a temporary sheen to lackluster hair, but soon begin to build up on your strands, causing them to lose their volume and bounce. 

What about the products that claim to be all-natural? According to Blinc, very few shampoos are all-natural, and the ones that truly are have very little shelf life and produce poor cleansing results. 

"It is surprising how many hair care products claiming to be all-natural contain synthetic ingredients," said Lewis Farsedakis, founder and chief executive officer of Blinc Inc.

"At Blinc, we want to raise consumer awareness and draw on the best that nature and science has to offer in developing our 99.8 percent vegetable-derived hair and body care products," Farsedakis said. "Hair care products should lather and cleanse effectively without creating buildup or causing harm to the skin, eyes or hair."

continue reading Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: What's in Your Shampoo?

Best Hair Loss Treatment - A Lot Of Options

Hair loss creates baldness. A bald person looks older than his real age. This abnormal hair loss is technically called alopecia. It does not affect our health directly but indirectly it creates problems, such as low self esteem. When alopecia occurs at a young age, it creates an inferiority complex that leads to other health problems. Hence, we should attend to this problem and go for a hair loss treatment. There are many treatments; some are medications and some are surgerie...

Hair loss creates baldness. A bald person looks older than his real age. This abnormal hair loss is technically called alopecia. It does not affect our health directly but indirectly it creates problems, such as low self esteem. When alopecia occurs at a young age, it creates an inferiority complex that leads to other health problems. Hence, we should attend to this problem and go for a hair loss treatment. There are many treatments; some are medications and some are surgeries. You need to find the best hair loss treatment by consulting a specialist. If the condition is not severe, then, you can stop the hair loss with Propecia.

Propecia is a well-known medicine and very popular. A regular use of Propecia can stop hair loss and even re-grow hair. Not just Propecia, there are other options too that could be better for your hair. In the past people did not have many options to fight baldness. The most common way was to buy a wig and cover the

head. But now with the advancement of science we have many more ways for treating hair loss. Some of the better hair loss treatments are:

Bio matrix treatment: This is widely known as hair weaving. Hair is woven to cover the bald patch. Today hair weaving has emerged as one of the best and popular treatments for hair loss.

Surgical hair transplant: The hair follicles in the bald patches are transplanted with hair. In each follicle up to four hairs can be transplanted. Hair is picked from other areas of your scalp where hair is still thick. To be successful this treatment needs a healthy growth.

These are some of the well-known hair loss treatments that are famous and widely used. A lof of people have been benefited by these treatments.

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Hair Restoration Surgery Costs

Hair restoration cost may appear to be hefty in the first look, but actually it is a cheaper option in comparison to medicinal treatment.

You may be facing hair loss, and contemplating a follicular hair transplant. However, just one factor is dragging you behind. The hair restoration cost. So is it expensive? Well, you very much have the option to go for an affordable hair restoration. And that too without compromising on the quality. The cost depends on various factors like the clinic, its location, etc. Hair restoration - A cost-effective method Certainly nobody can call hair restoration to be a cheap process. But on the flip side, it is certainly a cost-effective process. Why? Because, it offers you a permanent solution for your hair problem. One might argue that medicinal treatment of hair loss is a cheaper option. Yes, it is apparently so. However, the picture will be different if you calculate the total amount of money spent on medicinal treatment and hair transplant procedure. Why? Because you have to spend money on medicinal treatment for over a long period. Factors affecting hair restoration cost There are several factors that affect the surgery cost. For example, the choice of the clinic. There are some clinics that charge per graft implantation, while some others charge even for anesthesia. Clinics follow two types of methods to measure the total cost of hair transplantation surgery - cost per follicular unit transplanted and cost per hair restoration operation. In the first approach the number of grafts can directly affect the surgery cost. In this approach the more grafts used the more costly the operation is. A number of US and Canadian hair transplantation centers offer cost-effective surgery with cost per hair restoration surgery. Factors behind cost differences Some of the factors behind cost differences are as follows – -> Reputation of the surgeon -> Heavy advertising budget of the clinic, as it will try to make it by charging you heavily -> Attractive surrounding of the clinic, as it needs money to spend on its maintenance -> If the clinic has a huge number of employees, as then the clinic needs more money to pay its employees -> If the hair restoration is not a standard one, but one for correcting burn injury, eyebrow transplantation, etc. Is there insurance cover for hair restoration cost? In general hair restoration cost is not covered by insurance, as it is a cosmetic surgery. However, the operation is considered a reconstructive treatment in case it is necessitated by some accident or burn. In that case it comes under the purview of health insurance. You are better advised to check with your insurance agent about availability and extent of the insurance coverage.
continue reading Hair Restoration Surgery Costs

Hair Replacement And Restoration Techniques

There has been a great deal of progress in the field of hair replacement and restoration in the past few years. Surgical techniques have improved greatly from the days when hair replacement first began. All hair replacement techniques involve the use of your own hair; therefore, hair replacement candidates must have some healthy hair, usually at the back and sides of the head. The process is a relatively safe procedure when performed by a qualified surgeon, however as with an...

There has been a great deal of progress in the field of hair replacement and restoration in the past few years. Surgical techniques have improved greatly from the days when hair replacement first began. All hair replacement techniques involve the use of your own hair; therefore, hair replacement candidates must have some healthy hair, usually at the back and sides of the head. The process is a relatively safe procedure when performed by a qualified surgeon, however as with any surgery there are risks. Candidates must be checked for uncontrolled high blood pressure, blood-clotting problems, or skin that scars excessively, as these conditions may make healing difficult. Small pieces of hair growing scalp grafts are removed from areas of the scalp with healthy hair and are placed where hair is thinning. There are three major types of grafts: punch grafts, mini-grafts, and micro-grafts. Punch grafting takes about 10-15 hairs and places them in the scalp. This was the first type of technique to be developed, and when first developed caused a patchy look in many candidates. The technique has been improved since the first days of being developed, and the new mini-graft technique has also been added as an option. Mini-grafts contain only 2-4 hairs per graft, and therefore look much more natural. Micro-grafts are still smaller grafts that contain one to two hairs each. To maintain healthy circulation of the scalp, grafts are placed 1/8th of an inch apart. Local anesthesia is usually sufficient for these procedures, and several procedures are usually required to achieve the desired result. Post-surgery, a period of approximately 10 days of no sexual or strenuous activity is recommended, as strenuous activity may cause bleeding from the graft areas.

Of course surgery is a serious option, and often an expensive one as well. For those not wishing to undergo surgery for either reason, the option of non-surgical hair additions is often explored. Many professionals have developed techniques to add hair to existing hair on your scalp that look very natural. Weaves, fusions, bonding, cabling and micro linking are some of the techniques used to bond hair to the existing hair or scalp non-surgically.

Many jokes were made in the past about wigs and toupees, and they have gained an unfavorable light amongst many people because they were so obvious on the wearer. Today’s toupees and wigs are often made of real hair and are very well styled, causing them to look ore natural on the wearer. These hairpieces are held in place by affixing adhesive to the scalp and stay in place through vigorous exercise. Of course you will need to seek a professionally made toupee in order to make it worth your while, and you should purchase at least two so that you can maintain them properly, servicing one while wearing the other. A professionally styled and fitted toupee is expected to cost upward of $600 to $1000 in today’s market. Of course no one wants to go through the embarrassment of wearing the obvious “rug” on top of your head, so if you are not willing to spend the money it takes to purchase a professional toupee then it is probably best to not wear any hairpiece at all.

Structured hairpieces as they are called are a semi-surgical approach that permanently attaches hair to the scalp by stitching the hair to the bald scalp. This procedure is not recommended, as it is a process that involves introducing a foreign material to the scalp. Most ethical surgeons do not perform this procedure any longer as they are generally deemed to be ethically inappropriate. If this procedure is recommended to you, get a second opinion from a trusted physician.

A much safer procedure is hair weaving, yet this can only be used if hair is thinning and large balding areas are not present. The process is also called hair intensification or hair integration. Strands of synthetic or real hair are braided or weaved into your own existing hair giving an appearance of a full head of hair. This procedure does have its drawbacks, because it can make the scalp difficult to access, interfering with proper hair and scalp maintenance necessary for the health of your remaining natural hair, and this method can also stress existing hair since the artificial hair introduced through weaving is attached to it. This method is usually expensive, costing several thousand dollars per application, and being that because of the aforementioned drawbacks it can only be left in for a few weeks at a time it is usually impractical for the average person.

It is highly recommended that one seek professional assistance with these procedures from licensed beauticians or barbers, and have a patch test done to the skin if using adhesives to test for skin sensitivities. Extra care must be taken to maintain cleanliness of the hair and scalp when wearing added hair in order to maintain the health of existing hair and the scalp in general. Of course, if you are undergoing chemotherapy or are in the early stages of diagnosed alopecia areata then these procedures should be avoided as the hair they are connected to is likely to fall out as well. Either waiting for a period of time or obtaining a full prosthesis is recommended in these cases.

Yet still there is another type of treatment which is a spray of micro fibers made up of the same substance that hair is made of: keratin. If your hair is simply thinning, while you are investigating a more permanent solution to your hair loss problems or in the process of employing a particular process that takes some time, you can use these substances to cosmetically produce the appearance of thicker and fuller hair. The substance is marketed under several different names, one such being Topik®. Being a temporary solution it is relatively inexpensive, and can provide some immediate aesthetic results to bolster confidence and optimism as you work on more permanent solutions.

continue reading Hair Replacement And Restoration Techniques

Hair Removal By Waxing

Outlining the processes involved when using the waxing technique for hair removal.

The dictionary defines waxing as: 'a temporary method of hair removal which removes the hair at the root. New hairs do not grow back in the waxed area for three to eight weeks. Almost any area of the body can be waxed, including eyebrows, face, bikini area, legs, arms, back, abdomen and feet'. But don't be fooled into thinking that waxing is for women only. Today's fashion trends have men waxing their bodies for cosmetic reasons, and many athletes such as bodybuilders and swimmers have been waxing for years.

Most waxes are comprised of some proportional mixture of paraffin or beeswax, natural oils or fats, and a specially designed resin to help the wax adhere to the skin. Some brands of wax add Vitamin E or other supplements. If you think that you might want to try waxing, the first step, whether you are a male or female, is to decide if you want to use the 'hot' or 'cold' wax technique.

The hot wax method involves heating the wax to a comfortable temperature. A thin layer of wax is spread onto the area to be treated in the direction of the hair growth. Once the wax is cooled it is quickly torn off, in the opposite direction of the hair growth, and the hair is removed with it. With the cold wax process, strips of cloth are pre-coated with wax. You apply the strips to the area to be treated, rub the strips in the direction of hair growth, and then pull the strips off quickly in the opposite direction. Although hot waxing techniques are a bit more messy than cold wax ones, many people find that the hot wax gives better results.

You can apply a non-perfumed moisturizer to the treated area if you want to. Moisturizers that are fortified with Vitamin B and/or Aloe Vera are also good.

Always check to make sure that the hot wax is below scalding or burning temperature before applying.

Waxing is a great solution for the temporary removal of unwanted hair if you're tough enough to stand a little pain.

continue reading Hair Removal By Waxing

Hair Regrowth Treatment

The search for hair regrowth treatment is often tiring and frustrating. It is nothing new to hear about men who try everything available off the shelf and even by prescription, to find the right hair regrowth treatment for their hair.

The search for hair regrowth treatment is often tiring and frustrating. It is nothing new to hear about men who try everything available off the shelf and even by prescription, to find the right hair regrowth treatment for their hair. Actually, no hair regrowth treatment for men is complete if the product is not a combination of DHT blockers and hair growth vitamins and supplements. This is because hair loss is one issue and hair growth is quite another. Hair does grow normally until a certain age. But if hair fall is more than hair growth, it makes a visible difference called balding. Hair loss in males in apparent between 18-35 years. Whether the cause for hair loss and balding is genetic, dietary or medical, this is the period in which it all comes out into the open. Androgenetic Alopecia is the most common cause for hair loss. It is also termed male pattern balding. Androgenetic Alopecia is a classic condition characterized by increased presence of DHT -Dihydrotestosterone in the scalp. Dihydrotestosterone causes the hair loss in male pattern balding. This is because 5-Alpha Reductase, a naturally occurring enzyme in the human body, reacts with testosterone and produces excessive amounts DHT. DHT blockers in Procerin arrest this production of DHT and its other ingredients accelerate hair regrowth and production.  Procerin is an effective mix of Saw Palmetto, Magnesium, Zinc Sulfate, Vitamin B-6, Pyroxidine 5mg, CJ-11 Factor, CJ-9 Factor, and a proprietary blend of Gotu Kola, Nettles, Pumpkin seed meal, Siberian Ginseng, Yohimbe, Muira Puma Root, Uwa Ursi and other ingredients. An all natural product without any side effects Procerin is available off the shelf in both pill form as well as topical solution form. It can be used on a daily basis without any complications whatsoever. People using Procerin have noticed results within two months and some even earlier. Whether it is a widow's peak you are worried about or those bald unsightly patches or even uncontrollable hair loss, Procerin has in it the most effective ingredients to address your peculiar hair condition. And it is not just us saying it. You can check out the testimonials and reviews online and take the correct step towards longer, lusher hair. Procerin - the last resort for retreating hair.
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Hair Regrowth Formula

The search for hair regrowth treatment is often tiring and frustrating. It is nothing new to hear about men who try everything available off the shelf and even by prescription, to find the right hair regrowth treatment for their hair.

Procerin is the most preferred hair regrowth formula when it comes to male hair loss. It is available both in topical solution form as well as tablet/pill form and can be used daily without any side effects. Procerin male hair regrowth formula effectively combines the qualities of a DHT Blocker as well as a catalyst for hair regeneration. It's ingredients include Saw Palmetto, Magnesium, Zinc Sulfate, Vitamin B-6, Pyroxidine 5mg, CJ-11 Factor, CJ-9 Factor, and a proprietary blend of Gotu Kola, Nettles, Pumpkin seed meal, Siberian Ginseng, Yohimbe, Muira Puma Root, Uwa Ursi and more.
continue reading Hair Regrowth Formula

Hair Loss- Understand Hair Growth To Fight Hair Loss

Every one of us dreads losing hair. There will be a rare human being who does not. Hair makes us look good and none of us wants to lose it.

Every one of us dreads losing hair. There will be a rare human being who does not. Hair makes us look good and none of us wants to lose it. There are many of us who are comfortable after losing their hair. But that is more a reflection of their tremendous confidence. If you are one of those who are worried about hair loss, please read on.

Hair growth cycle-

Our hair does not grow all together. We see our scalp full of hair and think that all hair is growing. But the truth is different. Hair grows, rests for sometime, and then falls and a new hair takes its place to grow. At any point of time about ninety percent of our hair is growing and the ten percent is either ready to fall or is falling. When we shampoo our hair, this falling hair sheds itself. Everyday we lose about 50- 100 strands of hair. That is perfectly normal. If that is causing any worry to you, stop. That is normal. The best person to tell you if you might be facing hair loss is your hair stylist. Get your scalp examined and find out if hair is thinning from any place or a patch is forming.

Hair loss reasons

We lose hair for many reasons. The primary reason is hereditary. The second is alopecia aerta. And then there are many diseases and changes in body that bring about hair loss. The last kind of hair loss is rectified as soon as the condition is over. Most of the women lose lot of hair after pregnancy. But they recover it soon. Many other conditions make hair fall like that. We should be more bothered about hereditary loss and alopecia aerta. I think that you have got a brief introduction to hair growth cycle and hair loss. In the next articles, I will talk about the reasons and remedies of hair loss.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

continue reading Hair Loss- Understand Hair Growth To Fight Hair Loss

Hair Loss Treatments for men

Hair Loss treatment for balding men helps in hair loss treatments natural. Hair Loss Solutions & remedy helps in balding treatment

Hair Loss In Men

With hair loss in men, hair at the temples recedes and the crown can also begin to thin.

Eventually a horse shoe pattern around the sides of the head appears.

The main signs of hair loss in men:

1. Receding hairline

2. Moderate to extensive hair loss, particularly on the crown of the head.

About ninety-five percent of hair loss in men is attributable to Androgenic Alopecia also know as male pattern baldness.

Some believe this condition includes three factors:

1) age 2) heredity 3) the male hormone testosterone

As hair loss in men progresses, the hair becomes finer, does not grow so long and the bald spot at the crown widens.

Finally, the thinning crown and the receding points may meet forming a horseshoe pattern with hair around the sides of the head.

Hair loss in men can begin as early as 20 although for the majority of men, hair loss is more noticeable from the age of 35 to 40.

DHT (Di-hydro-testosterone) is recognized as a main culprit. DHT is a combination of testosterone and androgen receptors mixed with sebum and dirt particles. Some hair follicles are particularly sensitive to DHT and tend to shrink when exposed to it. Finally the hair follicle may shut down altogether and the hair falls out.

Another condition is called Alopecia Areata, in which hair comes out by the roots in one or more spots. It is much less common than Androgenic Alopecia.

Other causes of hair loss in men can include scalp infections, nutritional deficiency, systemic illness, and severe stress.

Recommendation: The New Hair Bio factors system stops hair

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Hair Loss Treatment- If You Have Alopecia Aerata?

Alopecia Aerata is one of the common reasons of hair loss. This is an autoimmune disorder in which the body destroys its own hair.

Alopecia Aerata is one of the common reasons of hair loss. This is an autoimmune disorder in which the body destroys its own hair. The hair is lost in coin sized patches and then comes back after some months or years. The pattern of loss and re- growth is unpredictable. Many people lose all the hair due to Alopecia Aerata. What treatment options are available? Let us discuss them so that you get your hair back as early as possible.


Minoxidil solution is a proven therapy for hair loss of this type. Once you begin applying minoxidil, you may see your hair growing again after about three months. You should consult your doctor about the strength of minoxidil solution that you should use.


Steroids can help regain hair in alopecia aearata. Your doctor will inject steroid on the balding patch. Topical application of steroids is not effective. Oral steroids may cause side effects. That is why steroids are always injected in the balding patch. Though the injections effective, they are painful.

Anthralin- this is an immunomodulator. It is a tar like substance and is applied for an hour and then washed away. Your doctor may combine more than one treatment for you.
All of these are proven methods. Trying natural or miracle products will only make you lose your precious money. Use time tested and science-backed solutions for hair loss.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

continue reading Hair Loss Treatment- If You Have Alopecia Aerata?

Hair Loss Treatment: Do Not Fret Little Fella, There's Hope!

So you are getting to the middle age when your body starts falling apart, or off as the case may be. Because of this you aren't as good at sports as you used to be, the opposite sex doesn't find you nearly as attractive as you used to be, and your family ask you if you are ok whenever they look at you because they think that you look ill. Well there's hope lads, not for the sports, but at least for the hair! That's right, there is good hair loss treatment options that will ha...

So you are getting to the middle age when your body starts falling apart, or off as the case may be. Because of this you aren't as good at sports as you used to be, the opposite sex doesn't find you nearly as attractive as you used to be, and your family ask you if you are ok whenever they look at you because they think that you look ill. Well there's hope lads, not for the sports, but at least for the hair! That's right, there is good hair loss treatment options that will halt hair loss right in its tracks so that you can at least look like you are still the man (or at least not sick).

So why do you lose your hair in the first place? Well a great question with a complicated answer. Maybe I can dumb it down for you though. The first thing is that there is not a lot that can do on your own to change your genes (though there are hair loss treatment options that can disrupt the work of these genes). Yeah that's right this is another one of those pesky familial things, and no it's not that you wore your hat too much or picked the wrong hair gel.

The other thing that should at least make you feel better is that your going bald is not a result of you losing your manhood. In fact losing your hair is because you are a little to much of a man if you know what I am saying. Testosterone is what give you hair in all the places that you don't want it and in a slightly different form makes you lose it from the one place that you want it the most--your head. Testosterone is actually reduced to dihydroxy testosterone (DHT) which acts on the hair progenitor cells to shut down DNA replication and bring hair growth to a screeching halt. This process is mediated by an enzyme called alpha-1-reductase. It is the action of this enzyme that is inhibited by certain forms of hair loss treatment. These drugs keep the testosterone in its original form thereby stopping the action of DHT on the cells responsible for hair growth. These drugs work great unless you are an Olympic athlete where they are banned because they have been used by cheaters as cover up for performance enhancing drugs. They say it takes sacrifice to be an elite athlete and they mean it!

The other main hair loss treatment category is the surgical implantation of hair (which of course has to be coupled with the above pharmaceuticals). This use to be the best way to get people to laugh at you and not with you as it left cornrows in a rather sad and unalterable way whether you like that look or not. Now however doctors have begun to be a bit more artistically random with their implants. Now you can get realistic looking hair replacement.

continue reading Hair Loss Treatment: Do Not Fret Little Fella, There's Hope!

Hair Loss Stem Cell Therapy: A New Technique

Since 1990s stem cells are used in many treatments. Nowadays for hair regeneration, hair loss stem cell therapy is proving to be a good technique.

First of all we need to know what stem cell is. Stem cells are the first building blocks of our body. We all started as a stem cell and then subsequently divided into millions of cells as we grew over time. Then a reverse process of decreasing stem cells starts, as we get older. The process gets faster if we suffer from diseases...

Since 1990s stem cells are used in many treatments. Nowadays for hair regeneration, hair loss stem cell therapy is proving to be a good technique.

First of all we need to know what stem cell is. Stem cells are the first building blocks of our body. We all started as a stem cell and then subsequently divided into millions of cells as we grew over time. Then a reverse process of decreasing stem cells starts, as we get older. The process gets faster if we suffer from diseases like heart attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes etc.

In stem cell therapy, stem cells are used as a replacement of damaged or dead cells in the body. On the scalp dead cells don’t grow hair and the area becomes bare, which we call bald. Now if we replace the dead cells on the scalp with new ones through stem cell therapy then the bald spot can be transformed into an area full of hair. This is the basic premise of stem cell therapy for treating baldness. After using this therapy to treat baldness, particularly male pattern baldness, some have experienced good results and some have not had good results. The research is still on and hopefully the success rate will improve in the coming years.

In the scientific lab, stem cells are produced and then these cells are injected in the bald areas of the scalp. If the first attempt to generate hair does not work then the doctors try again but the result is not guaranteed as the process is at an initial stage. If you want to try stem cell therapy for hair loss you can contact a dermatologist for the purpose.

continue reading Hair Loss Stem Cell Therapy: A New Technique

Hair Loss Solutions…Bonafide Cures or Bald Face Lies?

Although hair loss may not seem as important a health concern as cancer or heart disease, it can be very traumatic for those persons who experience it. By becoming knowledgeable about hair loss and its causes, and by seeking the services of a qualified professional, hair loss can many times be remedied, or at least controlled. This article explores the world of hair loss.

PART 1 Very much a highlighted news topic, the stem cell research controversy continues. Reasons for the “need” of research include possible help for persons with terminal cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injury…and hair loss. Hair loss is an important subject for the many men and women who experience it. The careless remarks and gratuitous jokes about baldness made by people with full heads of hair only add to their humiliation. Some people even experience anger that their hairline threatens to become as receded as the waters of the Red Sea for the Hebrews so many years ago. Countless people wonder whether or not there really exists a cure for hair loss. Before we answer that question, we should first answer the questions, “What is hair loss?” and “What causes it?”
  What is Hair Loss? The term “Alopecia,” more commonly known as “baldness,” includes various disorders that involve the lack of hair where it would normally grow; especially when it involves the head. The most common form of baldness is a progressive hair-thinning condition that occurs in some adults. Each piece of hair has a follicle located at the end of the hair shaft. Follicles act as the hair’s incubator;” it is where the hair is produced. Each strand of hair has a matrix, located at the base of the follicle. Cells in this area produce keratin, a tough protein that makes up the hair shaft, and melanin. Melanin stains the keratin, giving hair its color. The activity of each follicle is dependant on surrounding follicles. Healthy hair follicles continuously grow. About 85% of the hair follicles on a healthy scalp are actively growing at the same time, and hair loss is not a problem. Each strand of hair continues to grow for about 4 years, before going into a dormant period of about 4 months. On an average, only about 15% of the total amount of hair follicles on a healthy scalp is dormant at any one time. It is when a higher percentage of hair follicles stop growing at one time that hair loss becomes a problem.
  What Happens During Hair Loss Follicles are nourished by a network of capillaries, bringing nutrients to the base of the follicle. The amount of blood available to the scalp and to the follicles is determined by the health of the capillaries in the scalp, as well as the arteries in the neck and temple. Problems develop when hair follicles do not receive proper nourishment. For instance, some women experience noticeable hair thinning after menopause, after the production of estrogen slows down or stops. Hair loss in women is usually more diffuse then in men. Women seldom have bold spots; a large area of the head may show sparse hair growth instead. Only about 15% of women are afflicted by such a high degree of hair loss that it becomes obvious. In men the hormone DHT can harm hair follicles, making them shrink, or cause them to prematurely enter into the resting stage of the hair cycle. When this happens the result is often the characteristic U-shaped pattern of hair loss at the top of the head.
  What Causes Hair Loss? Predisposition can be one factor as to why one person begins losing their hair as they age, while another person does not. Various other disorders, such as obesity, allergies, and diabetes can also be attributed to predisposition. Sometimes hair loss can be the result of side effects caused by certain prescription drugs. Of course, these factors can often be countered. Where you may not be able to reverse predisposition, you can sometimes contain it. By changing lifestyle, maintaining a customized healthcare regimen, and eating a well-balanced diet, many such factors can be alleviated or turned around.
  More about Hair Loss When it comes counteracting or slowing down the process of hair loss, products such as Rogaine, Dutasteride, and Propecia can help. Scalp exercises and massages using special preparations can also help. Telogen Effluvium (TE) is a type of hair loss more common in women then men. It is characterized by high numbers of hairs that enter into the resting stage of the hair cycle, all at one time. This usually causes profuse shedding, as opposed to bald patches. This can be an overwhelming experience for women, especially those who once had luxuriant hair. TE can be brought on by prolonged emotional or physical stress, severe illness, post-pregnancy hormone changes, or crash dieting. Once the triggering factor has been removed, TE hair loss usually stops. Hair can grow back in even without treatment, usually in 6 months to a year. With proper treatment, hair growth can be accelerated. Some professionals recommend bringing the level of iron stored in the body up to 70 or 80 ng/ml (nanograms per milliliter). The range of iron normally stored in a woman’s body might be between 12 – 50; the lower end not high enough to speed hair growth. Rogaine can also be used for a few months to start the TE recovery process; once hair does begin to grow back in, Rogaine use can stop. As mentioned earlier, crash dieting can trigger TE in both men and women. As a matter of fact, diets of less than 1,200 calories a day can trigger sudden hair loss. This is especially true of diets low in protein. When the body lacks proper protein it “borrows” by shifting healthy hairs into dormancy to conserve protein. Although hair loss resulting from inadequate diets is most often temporary, it can result in permanent loss of hair in persons genetically predetermined towards hair loss. Also, extreme weight loss in men can increase the production of androgens – male sex hormones that kill hair follicles. Once hair follicles are destroyed, there can be no re-growth of hair. In part-2 we of this article we discuss effective treatments for hair loss and where to go for help.
continue reading Hair Loss Solutions…Bonafide Cures or Bald Face Lies?

Hair Loss Solutions

Hair Loss Solutions

A common problem

As it happens, we do not even notice when out hair starts to fall out and recede. Surprisingly, we lose and average of fifty to one hundred hairs daily. That is a lot but with recent scientific studies they have found many new hair loss solutions. There are three main ways to save your hair and as you read this article you will better understand everything you need to know about hair loss and how to prevent it.

A common problem

As it happens, we do not even notice when out hair starts to fall out and recede. Surprisingly, we lose and average of fifty to one hundred hairs daily. That is a lot but with recent scientific studies they have found many new hair loss solutions. There are three main ways to save your hair and as you read this article you will better understand everything you need to know about hair loss and how to prevent it.

What is Hair Loss?

What is hair loss? Well this is the point in time when your hair starts to shed. This will gradually start to daily. You lose hair but it is not noticeable at first unless you have long hair. The main reason that scientist think hair loss occurs is because your scalp needs to absorb more nutrients and some of your hair will need to move out of the way for it to do that. The other reason would be because your hair may start to die out, new hair is made to come in and replace it.

Preventing Hair Loss

One way to prevent hair loss would be to let nature do its job. Instead of using all that high-tech equipment and all those medicines and creams, you can allow your hair to grow naturally. By treating your hair right from the start your chances of keeping it in place rise dramatically. Who needs those fancy hair loss solutions?

Speak to your doctor

Speaking to your doctor or physician about what types of creams and pills or other hair loss solutions they recommend you use is a good idea. Since all of these items have been made for you to use for your hair, you can go out and buy them right?

Wrong, even though your hair may grow back you may pick up different sicknesses from these items. In order for your hair to successfully grow back the pills or creams interfere with your hair growing hormones. If they possibly interfere with any other hormones, then you are in very big trouble.


The other way to help with hair loss is to go in for laser treatment. The way this works is that the laser technician will remove hair from areas where there is a lot of it. The bad thing about this is that they only have the ability to take out two to four hairs at a time. After the hair is removed, the insertion of it into your scalp begins. That has got to hurt! Using needles to insert the hair is very time consuming and painful; good thing you are knocked out!

These kinds of hair loss solutions cost a lot of money and can even be harmful. The rays of the laser are very strong and could damage your skin so you may want to research other hair loss solutions first.

Now that you have learned about hair loss and different hair loss solutions you will hopefully make the right decision on how to restore your hair to its former glory. The saying "beauty takes pain" has come to a whole new level!

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Hair Loss Solution: Try Aromatherapy

Our ancestors did not have the benefit of today’s scientifically researched drugs, but they often found natural remedies that worked just as well. Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to treat everything from premenstrual syndrome to high blood pressure. Men experiencing the first signs of baldness often looked to natural cures as well, and some of the herbal remedies have surprising results.

A group of dermatologists in Scotland tested an herbal remedy with great...

Our ancestors did not have the benefit of today’s scientifically researched drugs, but they often found natural remedies that worked just as well. Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to treat everything from premenstrual syndrome to high blood pressure. Men experiencing the first signs of baldness often looked to natural cures as well, and some of the herbal remedies have surprising results.

A group of dermatologists in Scotland tested an herbal remedy with great success, helping over 40% of their patients with a mixture of essential oils containing cedarwood, lavender, rosemary and thyme. In this double blind study, the group using the essential oils showed improvement in 40 percent of the subjects, while only 15% of the control group noted an improvement.

So, would you be interested in trying out aromatherapy as a hair loss solution? If you’d like to experiment with this, mix three drops each of lavender and rosemary oil with two drops each of cedarwood and thyme oils. Add this mixture to 4 teaspoons of grapeseed oil and one-quarter teaspoon of jojoba oil. Rub the mixture into your scalp for two minutes nightly, then use a warm towel to wrap your head.

If you’re not experiencing baldness yet, but your hair doesn’t look healthy, you may want to try a mixture of lavender and bay essential oils to stimulate blood flow to the scalp and help circulation to the area. About six drops of each oil should be added to ½ cup of a good carrier oil, like almond or sesame oil. Warm the mixture slightly and rub into the scalp. After letting the mixture penetrate the scalp for 20 minutes, shampoo with your normal shampoo. For additional benefit, you may want to add up to 4 drops of bay oil to your normal shampoo.

Of course, you won’t see a whole new head of hair after just one or two treatments. However, repeated use will most likely provide you with better looking, fuller hair. You’ll also experience the positive benefits of aromatherapy and scalp massage as well, feeling more relaxed and ready to face the day. Aromatherapy may just be the hair loss solution that you are looking for!

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Hair Loss Shampoo: A Cheaper Solution to Your Dilemma

Hair Loss Shampoo: A Cheaper Solution to Your Dilemma

Most people will think that hair loss is closely associated with old age. Yes, it may be but then it may not also. Confusing? Nah. Some people in a very young age experience a tremendous hair loss. Medical research though asserts that hair fall is quite normal because an average hair fall of up to 200 hair strands in a day is acceptable. But if there is so much than that, it now gives you a reason to panic and seek the help of the experts.

Dealing with hair loss is not at all easy. It is not simply the same with dealing with a bad haircut. A bad haircut can be remedied. You can likewise only wait for a while before it gets back to its normal growth. But a hair loss is entirely different. Having too much visible hair loss is a thing to hate. Who wants to go out almost as bald-looking as a bird can be? Who would want to look old in the first place? Hair loss confronts both men and women regardless of their ages. But then again, it would be easier for someone who is in his or her 60s to deal with the hair loss dilemma compared to a person under 30 years old. More so, women are more prone to hair loss than it is with men. Men can accept the fact that at a certain point in their lives, they will be facing the problem.

Would you not look better with plenty of hair? Then you can always get a treatment for your hair loss problem. Hair loss shampoos come in a variety. These products are recognized by specialists to aid you in growing back your hair. Those of you who want to maintain a good looking aura will obviously be very willing to spend money on hair loss shampoos. It is not after all only a matter of looking good. It is more of feeling good inside and out. So that you will not be wasting money on any hair loss shampoo, why not try researching things first?

What you must first deal with is finding out the real cause of your hair loss. This is essential as it is that which determines the right hair loss shampoo for you to use. Some of the most common causes of hair loss are stress, pregnancy, genetic background, and hair pulling. Most probably, the most obvious cause for hair loss is the plugged hair follicle and this can easily be remedied by hair loss shampoo. Take note that you must beware regarding the publicity stunts of most hair loss shampoo. They would always claim that they can be trusted when it comes to solving your problem when in fact they cannot help you at all. The best thing for you to do is to get to a specialist who can prescribe you the proper hair loss shampoo to use.

If the hair loss problem is now on a higher level and cannot in any way be solved by the hair loss shampoo, specialists recommend the hair transplantation method. This is almost a hundred percent effective but very expensive too. Before you make up your mind when it comes to the surgery, first get several opinions from the specialists. They can give you some less expensive alternatives. Obviously, the hair loss shampoo is cheaper. Hair loss is not a thing to be ignored. Better act on it while it is still early.

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